Tuesday, 5 February 2013


Welcome one and all to the show:

Writing is toxic, in any form. Let me explain:

Writing freely promotes bad writing skills, while encouraging creativity... which can lead directly to great writing skills. What?
For example, many of my blog posts have been grammatically incorrect (including this one as well, makes my a hypocrite). Doing this over and over creates a bad habit of not caring and thinking that doing the wrong thing is the right thing. Allowing myself to do this makes it easier for the words to flow and in turn, for creativity to flow. I am going to try and find a balance between the two, and I am going to try and make an effort to make my blog posts more correct, not only to practice my writing skills but also to make it easier to read for the reader.

Getting away from formalities, writing is toxic in poetry as well. I find that every time I write a poem, a part of me dies in the process of creating it. It takes a legitimate toll on me every time I write. I do not write nearly as much poetry as I did back in say, Grades 7-9 because up until then I had no way of expressing those feelings, emotions, ideas and thoughts other than music. It allowed me to create a plethora of poetry. What is happening now is not directly writers block, but a form of it. I cannot write as much because I cannot express the same feelings twice. Look at my previous work I have posted on this blog, if you look at it critically it really does not make much sense and there is no trend to follow. Sometimes it is depressing in the form of lost love, suicide, or what have you. Other times it is about love that hurts, love that kills, or just love itself. While the topics of love and depression are enormous and allow me to create many pieces about them, no two pieces express the same thing twice... or at least express what I was trying to express twice. What is happening to me now, is not a lack of ideas... but a lack of passion towards many of these ideas because they have been expressed before and have taken their toll on me already... something I do not want to happen twice.

What I am trying to get at, is Poetry is Toxic. That sounds like a great idea for a poem actually, something I have not done before. I have written a poem on poetry in itself before, but never about the idea of poetry being toxic... look for a poem about toxicity soon, it is in the works :)
At the same time, I think that this toxicity is a necessary evil. You need to go through hell to find yourself, in my opinion. If tearing apart your emotions and by doing this, shaping the sculpture of your very being is required, then so be it. Which each poem a toll is taken, with each poem I am one step closer to finding what and who I am, and what my purpose is.

That is it for now, please feel free to comment down below.

Song of the day is by Shinedown off their album The Sound of Madness, called Breaking Inside. Enjoy :) "Don't tell me I'm the last one in line, don't tell me I'm too late this time."

Really cool video too.

So goodbye to you all, and maybe another post next week... looks pretty clear to me right now. Also reading week in 2 weeks, so sometime then as well.
