Friday, 9 December 2011

Wear your Heart on your Sleeve, Make Things Hard to Believe

Hey everyone, welcome back.
first off, I would like to apologize for the harsh words i said last blog about old teachers. I truly do respect them in all manners, i was just emphasizing how it isn't fair to either the students or the new teachers.

Now that that's off my chest, today im going to talk about people who, as the title suggests, wear their heart on their sleeve which essentially means they are very open about a lot of things. this is bad. im not saying that people can't tell anybody anything, what im suggesting is to be more specific and organized in who you talk to about certain things, and what things you say to those certain people.

So I bet you, reading this blog, have encountered someone like this before. Someone who says everything to everyone. someone who, say in the middle of class work will begin to talk loud and make a big deal about something, that no one really wants to know about. or maybe someone who tells people...everything. Someone who when they make a promise, need to tell someone they think they can trust, instead of just keeping it on the down low like they promised. Im sorry, but i don't want people knowing things that was supposed to be private... you know? this really makes me wonder... if you can really trust people with these things. It certainly wouldn't help my perspective and thoughts about someone if i told them something and the next time i hear about it, its from someone else who really shouldn't know. be more selective in your thoughts and who will hear will come back to bite you in the ass... trust me. you may not wear your heart on your sleeve, but the person you told may..

and also, what is with people and face book statuses about them trying to get attention. they are really easy to pick out... its pathetic. if you want attention, earn it. I am a huge hypocrite when it comes to this, and i realize that. Without even thinking i do this sometimes. I've really been trying to cut down on statuses in general on facebook though, because there's a good chance that a good chunk of my 200 something 'friends' on face book either barely know me, or are not listening. and same applies for anyone else who does this. if you have a problem, you don't have to let everyone else know. because they are not going to help you. your friends and family will. and if they tell other people...well then in my opinion your going to have to question your friendship with them. not all is sacred, but not all is worthless either. sometimes, you have to think in the perspective of the other person...would i want anyone else knowing? would i want to hear about myself wanting to commit suicide, or gathering attention on face book? would i want to wear my heart on my sleeve? would i want everyone knowing who exactly i am, so that life wouldn't be fun? exactly. half of the fun in life is meeting new people and finding new things out about people, through developing a friendship. if you want everyone to know, chances are they don't want to know. tell the people who do want to know, and tell people you can trust. don't wear your heart on your sleeve, keep it inside the body where it belongs.

I know this blog was lacking in inspiration and drive like my other blogs, im very tired and as such i am sorry. this is floating around in my mind, but i could have easily done a better job. today and yesterday, both very disappointing days for myself.  i cant even sleep in tomorrow or Sunday, so sleep is going to be lacking, and energy as well. i am going to post another blog perhaps after work tomorrow, sometime. i have a lot on my mind, but at the same time i don't have the energy to say it.

So today's song of the day is by Slipknot, and off the album All Hope is Gone (2008). The song today, is Snuff. this album is very good, and i could easily pick any other song off this album for the song of the day, as many other albums. today, is just a slow day though. and it fits my mood. so here it is, and I highly recommend this band, and this album. very unique, inspirational.

so to all who have been reading, i sincerely thank you. I dont know why im still doing this, but I am, and I thank you for bearing with my thoughts. I hope you all are still complimenting people. it feels good to help others feel good, and the sooner everyone else realizes this, the better.

I bid you all Adieu :)

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