Monday, 3 October 2011


Welcome back people. Today's going to be a bit more laid back, im not feeling to great ( I got really sick last night) and i just want to relax and feel better. so im just going to ask a simple question
for the question, im am going to ask if you date people based on what you hear of them, or how they look, or what they do. Now i know that this question is very broad, and I know almost everyone will say that they date people for "Who they are" but i find this to be the furthest from the truth a lot of the times. when people initially start dating anyways, or when people are like "would you date him/her" and you respond a certain way.
I know people say they date people for who they are, or they judge them for who they are, but i know this isn't completely true. ask yourself this, why do popular kids only date popular kids ?( I know there are exceptions but its the concept) and why do outcasts date other outcasts? is it because of who they are? or is it because of image and what everyone else thinks of them... i find the latter to be more true.
Heres a hypothetical situation, say there is this beautiful blonde popular girl (generic) and she could be looking for a guy who is really nice and always there for her and stuff. now she goes and dates this other popular, better looking guy who gets drunk all the time, doesn't do well in school, isn't very thoughtful or caring.. and lets be honest... really only wants to get in her pants. why would ANYONE date anyone like that? ok now lets take that same beautiful girl and say she meets this less popular, average joe. he doesn't look as good, and a lot of people don't know him very well except for his close group of friends. she always pictured this guy to be awkward. now she starts talking to him one day, and finds out that hes really funny, smart , caring, everything she wants. but what are the odds of a beautiful popular girl dating a guy like that? who's image isn't nearly as complete as the guy before? very. very slim. this is what is wrong with society, and there isn't much we can do to change it unfortunately. there will always be the less popular, not as good looking people who are denied opportunities because of their image.
Its truly not fair.
actually, we were reading an essay today in english class that related to this. it was about how at this university this football team won the championship (again) and they received an incredible amount of praise and honors. while there was 3 other teams ( debate team, academics triathlon team, and another team that i can't bring myself to remember, but it wasn't a mainstream team) who all won their respective events as well, including the debate team which won the universities first EVER 1st place debate prize. and these teams barely received any recognition.
again... just wrong
now, outcasts only date outcasts for basically the same reason( again, this is a generalization, i know there are exceptions). they can only talk to the other gender of the same cast as them, because that's all they feel they can talk to and build relationships. much of this has to do with self esteem, thinking that they simply can't talk to someone more popular because they think they are ugly, or stupid, or nerdy, or whatever. they think that its impossible.
there, i said it. from the get go, we are categorizing people based on image, and not who they are. and from this we are limiting ourselves to who we talk to, who we become friends with(and stay friends with) and who we date. doesn't that sound.... really stupid?
 all im really trying to say here is, don't judge people based on what you hear of them, or what their image is or their popularity. If your popular.. WHO CARES! talk to someone who isn't! it doesn't matter! they may become a great friend or even a boy/girlfriend, who cares way more about you than that other slug. and you know what, i bet you will make many more friends by doing this.
wow, that rant turned out to be a lot longer than i thought it was, i guess i still got some fight left in me. thats all for that subject though. today, i was walking out to the bus stop on the way to school and i saw some teenager, holding a baby, and smoking. that really made me think... whats happening to us? it really creeped me out.
Did you remember to compliment someone? i sure hope so, and please continue to do so. it really helps! make someones day so they can make yours.
thats all for now people. I got tonight to chill and recover from this sickness, then im off to school tomorrow to start work again. thank god for no homework, i would have done a shitty job on it tonight :P
I Highly recommend that people go and read my friends blog. hes the one who got me into this, and hes been a brother of mine since elementary school. his blogs are very insightful and interesting, here a link i encourage you to go to it!
and i also encourage you to go to my other friends blog, mike. hes been a great friend of mine for a while now, and like jimmy, his blogs are insightful and a good read any time. go check er out!
and right before i leave, todays song of the day comes from the Guns and Roses Album "Chinese Democracy". first of all, this album. is incredible. one of their best in my opinion. this song is called "Madagascar". i cant describe this songs impact on me.. its astounding. heres the link, just copy and paste into the browser... or look for the song on youtube. maybe i can find a way to get a youtube player right in here. oh well for now here it is, and i highly recommend this album to everyone.

thats all she wrote people, I thank you very much for the people who are reading this i really appreciate every single person who reads my blogs:)  Good day to you all!

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