Friday, 16 March 2012


These are the things I can do without.

1. Drama
Suck it up. Things have a way of working themselves out 99% of the time. Like it or not, shit happens; deal with it and move on with your life so more shit can happen...possibly in your favor.

2. Political Activists... Facebook style
Ok, I understand that you have an opinion and would like to express it on facebook for your friends to read and interpret... but it is no ones judgement to say if you are right or wrong, or if you are dumb or smart.. or whatever they might be claiming. Everyone has different opinions, and everyone's opinion must be respected. Also, love how everyone becomes politicians and activists on facebook when really they probably wouldn't have found out if it wasn't for social media in the first place. They are also probably posting that status about said issue (a la KONY) because everyone else is doing it. It is an endless chain. In reality, I know a couple of people on facebook who actually are interested and ACTIVE in real life with these issues, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for them. Others... they are just along for the ride. Im not saying to stop posting things or to stop caring... but don't claim you are all high and mighty when in reality you are on the bandwagon with everyone else. Leave these things to the people who actually give 2 fucks.

3. Social media in general
It takes over peoples lives. Start a relationship? Oh no, I need to let everyone on my friend list know about it! Something happen in your life? Actually, more accurately something did not happen? Time to let everyone know on social media. There is nothing wrong with letting people know what is happening in your life... actually kind of the point of Facebook in the first place..but status updates like "FUCK MY LIFE" (something along those lines, you know what I mean) or (_______ is such a __________ I can't believe she/he ____________ ). Cool story bro, guess what... It doesn't involve me, or 95% of your friends list. Kind of annoying. Also, for most people the first thing that they do is go on facebook or twitter... instead of just living their lives (cant find the right words to explain what I mean... maybe you kind of know what I mean?). I'm a big hypocrite when it comes to these things... because I used to do this a lot. Not anymore though, I realized my doings. Anyways... here's what I'm trying to say in a nutshell
- Takes over peoples lives
- Pointless status updates
- Attention Seekers
- Nay Sayers
- Did I mention it takes over peoples lives?
- Addicting, because it takes over peoples lives
You get the point.

4. People who do not go outside when it is absolutely gorgeous outside
I don't know about your friends... but some of mine are like this. They would rather stay inside and play video games than go outside and play some road hockey, or go biking, or go for a run, or a leisurely stroll, or frolicking in the fields... maybe not so much the last one, but you get it. I like being outside, especially when the weather is very welcoming like it has been all week so far. I even like the rain, its refreshing. To me, being outside will always be better than staying inside when the weather is nice... I hope more people come to appreciate the weather. Be active while you still can... because when your 86 years old you won't be going for bike rides every day... unless your a hero like that. That would be sick actually... new life goal!

5. Self- Centered People
K. Look. If all you are going to do is talk about yourself, why am I listening? It should be 50/50 about yourself and about them... if anything. A conversation should always be random... you know? Well some of them... but for the most part, if you keep talking about yourself or keep changing the subject back to yourself, people might get annoyed. People who do things just for self-benefit instead of trying to help someone, I'm looking at you here too. Help others, they might help you. Done.

6. Make-up
I definitely talked about this before, but to me it's demeaning to women. Guys don't need make-up but girls do? No, if anything the other way around. My nose has a bump in the middle of it and is curved all weird (seriously..take a look at it lol), I have some pimples all up in my face, I have enormous bags under my eyes 75% of the time... I could go on. It's hilarious though, I don't do a fucking thing about it... and I'm ok with that. I accept who I am, what I look like, and move on with my life. Girls.... for the most part... wear makeup to cover some minor blemishes.... you know what... if I keep talking about this the post won't stop. So I will save this for another post.

7. Flip-Flops
Never liked them, they are uncomfortable and they always fall off my feet. I can never find them, and when I do its always only one, the other one I probably left a the beach... Sandals are better, but I never liked those either. Running shoes are the way to go.

That's all she wrote. The list could go on, but there's a couple of things I could do without.

Song of the day is by The Smashing Pumpkins. Enjoy :)
Hope everyone is having a great march break!


  1. You can't have Keith Carmen without flipflops

  2. the one thing they are good for, to complete Keith Carmen
