Monday, 20 February 2012

Was it a dream?

hows it going? good i hope, if not, hopefully this blog can cheer you up.

So there's a couple of things I want to talk about today.

First off, I'm going to address people who post things on Facebook and twitter like "i hope i don't wake up tomorrow" and "i hate my life" and "Ive had enough kill me"... look I understand that you might have a lot of problems in your life and that's understandable why you might think like this. But the way I look at it, is life doesn't love anyone.. it doesn't favor anyone.. its not going to give you special treatment. sometimes it cripples people. Life is Never going to love you, so you have to love life. i hope that makes sense to people, because I can't see a better way of looking at life. it is stagnant, neutral, its what is letting us breath every day and live our lives... OUR LIVES, not Life's Lives! life can't dictate who you are.why is a rich man who has seemingly everything, unhappy. and why a poor man can be satisfied with the simplest of things, or why a kid might have the best time ever just playing ball with his dad... something seemingly insignificant brought to LIFE BY US. we dictate how our lives turn out, not life. I understand that disease and extreme poverty or bullying can really get in the way, but you have to appreciate everything you can in life. I understand disease, i have friends and family who have disease.. the kind that kills.. yet they just keep on going, happy to still exist, savoring every day, just trying to smile and help others smile. is there a better purpose in life than to make people happy and to just laugh? this is a sensitive topic, i know. but when it comes down to it, appreciate what you have... and appreciate everyone around you. I used to do this kind of thing a lot... a lot... i was looking for attention, for someone to care. by doing that, i was making people do the opposite. Don't expect everything to fall neatly in place right in front of you ripe for the picking, because it rarely will. like a girl? ask her out. Want to play better in a sport? train, practice. want to do good in school? do homework and study. want sympathy and help for your problems... that would really help you... find friends that truly care about your well being over theirs.  I would like to remind everyone that, since this is a sensitive topic, that this is all of my opinion, and is not necessarily right... probably not right at all. this is how i look at it, and I've had success. so i hope you can too. and remember, easier said than done... everything is.

I think about this as well, that really helps me. Life, Dreams, Death. This sequence is not always linear. tell me if you want me to further elaborate in the next post, because i have a lot to say on this. i just don't want this post being too long... probably going to happen anyways.

 And this brings me to my second point... after an epic discussion with a friend last night... the kind we used to do all the time back in grade school and early high school... god i miss those days. anyways, after talking for a while... i figured something out that i think really applies. Your friends, are your personality. your friends shape who you are, and you shape your friends. you are your friends, and your friends are you. well if they are true friends who actually care about your well being then they are.... like it goes without saying that I would die for my friends. this is how my friend group is anyways, and i think that this concept of your friends are your personality.. really makes sense. maybe it applies to you and your friends? that would be pretty cool. I don't know if i can really say anything else about this... its hard for me to translate my thoughts into writing... but i hope this makes sense to people.

that's today's post. its much shorter than the last... and i hope you liked it. if you didn't then im sorry and ill try better next time. these posts i make are off of ideas in my head.. some will always be better than others.

 The song of the day is by Coldplay... yes i also like Coldplay. sorry if you don't but i think their music is brilliant and soothing. the song is called Clocks off their album A Rush of Blood to the Head. I hope you enjoy it as much as i do :)

Coldplay: "Clocks" off their album "A Rush of Blood to the Head"

that's it. today s post. thank you for reading. thank you for looking at it, then stop reading half way or even a quarter through. thanks for even acknowledging this blogs existence. thank you all.
compliments help people who are having a bad day, so remember to say them every now and then. you never know how far some simple words might go.
until next time :)

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